Releasing the babies

The best part of the turtle project was by far, releasing the baby turtles back into the ocean. About 83 Olive Ridley eggs hatched in the sanctuary (they had been taken from the beach just to be safe that no one would steal and eat the eggs, as apparently this happens quite a lot) and were kept in a large tank overnight, then released the next day at sunset.

The dogs joined us on the beach for the release of the bambinos

Ambalangoda. When we weren't scrubbing tanks...

Although much of our time was spent scrubbing and feeding, we did manage to find time to do other things whilst in Ambalangoda. Here's a few photos to better show what life was like during the turtle project:

The walk to the sanctuary in the morning accompanied by some mateys

Feed, Clean, Sweat, Repeat...

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I have been internet-less for the past week/2 weeks I haven’t been able to keep up to date on my blog and travels etc, so instead of a day by day i’ll just write about the highlights instead! 

Some of the turtle sanctuary's friends

Day 3-23rd October 2014-Disabled Turtle Shelter

This beautiful OLIVE RIDLEY TURTLE lost all her fins after becoming entangled in a fisherman's net; instead of cutting the net they simply decided to cut off her fins instead... heartbreaking! It's doubtful that she will ever be released back into the wild. She is fed, cleaned & looked after in the sanctuary, but it's hard to believe she would be happier in the sanctuary's enclosure than where she belongs... in the wild.

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