Ambalangoda. When we weren't scrubbing tanks...

Although much of our time was spent scrubbing and feeding, we did manage to find time to do other things whilst in Ambalangoda. Here's a few photos to better show what life was like during the turtle project:

The walk to the sanctuary in the morning accompanied by some mateys

At sunset one night

Volleyball & Beers

Stormy skies

 Fires on the beach at sunset

My lovely lil’ Kiwi birds, miss them already!
Cause she’s worth it... 

Our last day together (the Kiwi's, Clayton and I) was spent scootering around the South Coast in an attempt to get to Yala National Park… but we never made it as it was too far. Nevertheless, we had a good ol’ scooter around dodging buses, tuk tuks, people, dogs, cows and other scooters. We made it back in one piece after being hammered and soaked through by monsoon rains, with numb bums and empty bellies we made tracks for some damn tasty ROTTI!

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