Sea Dips in the Mist // Kobe Surf Feature Article

A piece written for Kobe Surf in celebration of the release of the new Ocean Wanderer Collection and film, shot by Clare James. A stunning short bursting with love, laughter and good old fashioned cold water fun. We celebrate the joys of cold water swimming, playing outside and bodyboarding on a cold, grey summer's day in Cornwall. 

The new collection is designed for women of the water who yearn to explore, swim, surf and play on these shores whenever possible whilst brightening any grey, rainy day. The new collection uses Econyl; a company creating high quality materials from regenerated nylon, such as ghost fishing nets. Econyl collect harmful plastics from landfill and oceans. 

Feeling comfortable in the skin you're in whilst wearing clothing that aims to help change our natural environment into a healthier, happier place are two things I really give a shit about. Kobe encourages girls and women to embrace our beauty and imperfections and step out with confidence whilst embracing the elements all around us.

Misplaced Memories of a Cornish Summer

Sitting with Cornwall’s autumn evening rays resting on my shoulder, I recall the heatwave of summer. The two month heatwave drawing hoards of holidaymakers to Cornish coastlines. My restlessness accumulating with every surplus second spent indoors at work, craving to share the joy of the outdoors with everyone else. Agitation prevailing, I yearned for a day off to enjoy nature’s finest; to be in the ocean, submersed under water.

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