Feed, Clean, Sweat, Repeat...

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I have been internet-less for the past week/2 weeks I haven’t been able to keep up to date on my blog and travels etc, so instead of a day by day i’ll just write about the highlights instead! 

Some of the turtle sanctuary's friends
The majority of our days were spent cleaning the turtles and the tanks and feeding the turtles. It was hard, backbreaking work, and to be honest, pretty tiresome at times, we came back stinking of fish and sweating like we've never sweated before. However, it did make it all worth while when I saw the turtles swimming around in their clean tanks.

 De-leeching the turtles at the disabled sanctuary 

 The leeches have to be killed once pulled off the turtles to stop them from returning, bit of a mess.

One of the less exciting aspects of the turtle project… scrubbing the tanks! Eugh. It’s pretty hard, monotonous work but has to be done!

Two volunteers (Meg & Clayton) in mid de-leech mode on one of the green turtles.

De-Leeching weapons of choice (knife and coconut husk)

Leatherback facts…

Loggerhead facts…

Olive Ridley facts…

State of the art water pump…

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