Weligama Sunsets

After attempting to discover some waves, a group of us eventually stumbled across Weligama when cruising down the coast in a couple of tuk tuks, with our boards haphazardly strapped to the roof.
The surf wasn't particularly great, what with Weligama's big close outs, polluted waters and big crowds, I didn't end up having the best surf. Despite this, I ended up having the best time, this time out the water (which doesn't happen often!) as I took photos of the stunning sunset. The sky turned hazy as the sun began to descend, and a faint breeze rustled through the air as the sound of the breaking waves echoed along the shore.

Mammoth bats soared overhead, causing the birds to retreat to their trees until the formidable shadows disappeared into the twilight. Fishermen returned from their day at sea with wooden sail boats filled with fresh fish of all shapes and sizes, their scales shimmering in the burning sunset. I walked along the beach attempting to capture these beautiful scenes as the twilight slowly set in and the burning rays gradually disappeared behind the verdant palm trees in the distance. Eventually the darkness grew and the bats returned from the twilight. We returned to the road to haul on our boards onto the roof of the tuk tuk, setting off into the warm night air along the buzzing roads. We passed fish stalls lining the streets with their twinkling lights drawing in the locals. Their stalls filled to the brim with the catch of the day.

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