June has been a culmination of small, clean, super fun swells and stormy, blown out crumbly days.
These sunshine filled days were shortly followed by days of torrential downpours and evenings spent cosying up under a blanket, reading a book with a hot cup of tea.
We've been lucky enough to have some incredible sunset sessions. Some evenings of moody blue light accompanied by choppy yet fun conditions. The kind of light where the sky and the sea merge on the horizon and you can't really tell where that next wave is coming from.
There's been strawberry moons and some of the most insane sunsets I have ever seen!
There's been some ridiculous wipeouts on my behalf which tested me and taught me that... Actually, I can handle bigger surf as long as I keep calm and keep my head together and don't lose my nerve as soon as a 5ft wall of a wave comes crashing on top of me.
June has showed me that, much to my disappointment, I've still got a long way to go, but I can't help but say to myself F*CK IT! If I'm out there enjoying myself and having fun, then it doesn't matter!
I love being in the water and all that entails; the freedom, the ride, the fitness, the fear, the fun, and maybe even sometimes... the wipeouts.
June has also been filled with some epic night's out spent all night dancing and meeting beautiful, unforgettable people.
Now... I'm ready for this next month of summer madness to begin. Bring on the crowds, bring on the extended hours of work, bring on the summer sun, bring on those dawnies, bring on those camping missions, bring on those fun sessions in the water with friends, and bring on more nights out I won't be able to forget!