After the initial storm swell began to die down a little, the surf got good, and I mean REAL GOOD (for me anyway)! As the waves got a little smaller, Matty and I were able to surf together more. And as a result, we had some of the most incredible surfs together we've ever had.
Clean French Mornings |
We spent more time in the water than out, having 3 hour surfs in the morning or until we couldn't paddle anymore. We travelled up and down the coast, always following the swell, searching the beachies and breaks for that perfect fun wave, the further up the beach we went, the more secluded the spot.
Matty On His Way Out After The Wind Picked Up |
We were lucky enough to find a break at one of our favourite beaches... Messanges, which has always delivered the goods every time I've surfed it! Depending on the swell, there always seems to be a different wave in a different spot. I absolutely love it here, there's so much choice, and the various sandbars give you the chance to escape the crowds and surf your own little peak!
MP |
We found the same peak in the morning and surfed it with just a father and son out (The son turned out to be sponsored by Volcom). We watched the young guy ripping along some tiny waves, both of us in disbelief of how much power he managed to muster from just a tiddler of a break.
We surfed until our arms were noodles and our legs like jelly, only leaving the water when the prospect of catching another wave became impossible. We set up camp on the beach complete with windbreak and all picnic essentials... baguettes, cheese, beer, fruit and veg. It was idyllic, bliss... Perfection!
Noodle Arms |
The rows and rows of peaks lining the beaches provide a haven for so many surfers, and the best thing about it is; the further you walk up the beach, the quieter it gets! We had so many mornings where we had the break all to ourselves!
A Little Skinny Dip After A Cheeky PicNic! |
Whenever there was a little bit of swell, we just packed our beach bags for the day, filled them all with food, drink and a wind break and off we went. We surfed in the early morning until our arms couldn't hack it anymore, or until the wind picked up and turned it all into slosh. We waited until the evening when the wind died down, and then we picked up our boards and surfed again and again.
We were treated to some stunning sunset surfs sharing it with just a few others out.
One night we decided to bail on the gas hobs and dirty dishes waiting for us back at the van, and treated ourselves to a meal at the Messanges Bar Snack De La Plage. (I don't think they have a website, but you can find their number and menu here) Here we plumped for deliciously tender steaks and frites whilst oogling at other people's plates piled high with garlic prawns.
We drank a delicious, crisp bottle of rosé as we sat and watched one of the best sunsets from the trip. It ended up being one of the best meals we had whilst in France, which surprised us as we really weren't expecting much. The snack bar looks like your average seaside cafe from the outside, but the delicious food, combined with the wine, the views and the atmosphere around us, made us love every second of it. So much so we had to order dessert too!
MP |
Sunset From Snack Bar De La Plage, Messanges |
We finished our meal and walked down to the beach to take some snaps of the setting sun. There were still a few people out in the water, and as the warm breeze swept across the shore I felt the happiest I'd felt all holiday. A day filled with surfing in the French sunshine followed by a delicious meal with my loved one and topped off nicely with an incredible sunset! It's safe to say I bloody love the South of France!
Down The Steps To The Shore