Santa Teresa, Guanacaste

After a few days in Jaco having spent every morning surfing, and every lunchtime cowering in the shade from the ridiculously strong sun, we decided to move on. We left Jaco with a few good surfs under our belts, some epic sunburn, (even through wearing factor 50 my neck blistered; the sun is far too strong there!) and a taste to discover what else Costa Rica has to offer, and what the real, off the beaten track Costa Rica is really like...

Oakie hats, scarves and blustery walks

Looking out the window today the weather was completely uninspiring, so... what better way to start the day than an early morning photo shoot on the beach to blow those cobwebs away, have a laugh, mess around, play with a few pooches and try on some amazing hand-made woolly hats and scarfs! Followed by a delicious bowl of hot soup at The Park. 

 Details on the lovely, talented knitter's website will be up soon!

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